Diskussion:Ashton Fisher

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Grüße des Künstlers

eMail vom 25. Jan. 2013, 23:05
I recieved and read your mail with great pleasure. It really took me back in time. It's nice to know that you have not been forgotten as SF/Fantasy illustrator and that what you worked so hard on as an artist is still appreciated.
It also brought back memories of Pabel Verlag and especially Johnny Bruck, whom I admire as artist and friend.
Anyway there are two pieces that I recognize as mine. These are listed as nr. 0582 and nr. 0597, although I also have three other covers I made for the Dutch Rhodan series.
All good luck with your endevours.
Ashton Fisher
--Zapp (Diskussion) 15:22, 26. Jan. 2013 (CET)

Ergänzung: Nr. 0563, 0567, 0572 und 0591 sind signiert. --Zapp (Diskussion) 22:24, 20. Mär 2013 (CET)